Thursday, January 29, 2009


As one can probably tell, I speak a lot of balance. It is the thing I personally try the hardest in my life to keep in check. It is also one of life's biggest struggles. Running to me is a privledge, and if one lets it get out of balance it will no longer be that. It is a release, almost euphoric at times, and a great way to spend time each day. It is what Tony Robbins, whom I listen to often for motivation calls the "hour of power" (or hour(s) as we run longer). It gives us time to process daily life, past experiences and future plans. It is a chance to meet great people, and for me that includes someone I have grown into a fantastic relationship with, something I could've NEVER expected. Without the run I know I would be lost. I am thankful everyday that I have it in my life for these and many other reasons. With the external negative stimuli that surrounds us these days it is hard to not give in and allow ourselves to enjoy what we love to do as it takes time away from focusing on the challenges life gives us. Thus lies the paradox, as the run provides us the release we need to tackle the challenges with greater piece of mind.....

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